The book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey" - Book Summary
You may have noticed most of us focus on the thing that we cannot control. We are complaining about the government, climate change, price increase and other people’s behaviours which they cannot control. They always focus on the thing they cannot control whereas productive people focus on what they can control. Stephen Covey explained how to be successful in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” This is another book review I am doing, if you missed previous blogs, click below links to read.
To read my blog: the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill - Book Summary, Click here.
To buy the Audiobook "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill from Amazon, Click here.
To read my blog: the book “Rich dad Poor dad” by Robert Kiyosaki - Book Summary, Click here.
To buy the Audiobook “Rich dad Poor dad” by Robert Kiyosaki from Amazon, Click here.
To read my blog: the book “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie - Book Summary, Click here.
To buy the Audiobook “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie from Amazon, Click here.
To read my blog: the book 5 lessons from the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” by John Gray – Book Summary, Click here.
To buy the Audiobook “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” by John Gray from Amazon, Click here.
To read my blog: the book "12 Rules For Life" by Jordan Peterson – Book Summary, Click here.
To buy the Audiobook "12 Rules for Life" by Jordan
Peterson from Amazon, Click here.
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Habit -1: Be proactive.
Proactive people decide how they will respond to create the result they want whereas reactive people let circumstances around them, decide how they respond. Proactive people take responsibility for their action and reactive people allow the physical environment how they feel.
Habit -2: Begin with the end in mind.
Start with a clear destination in your mind what you want to become and work on it to achieve that. Stephen introduces the visualization here. If you visualize in your mind what you want, visualization will guide you to achieve them.
Habit -3: Put first things first.
We priorities what is most urgent. But we should prioritize our day-to-day action based on what is most important. We need to act according to our values at any given moment to maintain the discipline and the focus to stay on track to achieve our goals. How you all respond if I asked what are the most important thing you? All of us would say your wellbeing, your relationship, your family, your children or your friends. You would never say spending time with social media or watching TV. So why you are spending most of the time with social media and watching TV than, planning your nutrition, going gym or spending healthy time with family.
Habit -4: Think win-win.
In order to maintain relationship personally or professionally, we must commit to creating a Win-Win solution that is mutually beneficial and satisfying each party.
Habit -5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Before we offer our advice or suggestion to another person, we should deeply understand them and their perspective through empathic listening. Don’t provide a solution before you diagnose the problem.
Habit -6: Synergize.
Synergize express 1 + 1 = 3. The combination of all others’ efforts and perspective will give us an extra output. By allowing different perspectives from others, we have the opportunity to create synergize, which allows us to uncover new possibility through openness and creativity.
Habit -7: Sharpen the saw.
Due to the business in life, we are working hard to get the promotion, higher income and more recognition without brushing up our skills. To be successful, we should allocate the time renewing ourselves physically, spiritually, mentally and socially. Continuous renewal will make you be successful in your life.
Thanks for reading this blog and I genuinely hope these habits help you in improving your life. Best of luck with your successful life.
To buy the book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey", Click here.
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